Jorge M. Pacheco (co-head)

Full Professor of Mathematics of University of Minho and senior researcher of CBMA. He is active in a variety of research topics, ranging from many-body physics to mathematical description of evolutionary processes such as human cancer, evolution of cooperation and complex networks.

Francisco C. Santos (co-head)

Associate Professor of Computer Science of Instituto Superior Técnico (U. Lisbon), and researcher of GAIPS/INESC-ID. He is interested in the development of scientific computing tools to understand collective dynamics in social and life sciences. He has been working on topics such as the evolution of cooperation, network science, and environmental governance.

Sara A. Encarnação

FCT researcher at FCSH, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Sara is interested in studying dynamics of urban growth, its characterization, and in game theoretical models of city planning and local governance.

Fernando P. Santos

After completing his BSc and MSc degrees in Computer Science at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST/UL), he is on his last year of his PhD (IST, U. Lisbon and GAIPS/INESC-ID). He is interested on the evolution of fairness, reputation and social norms.
Advisors: Francisco C. Santos, Jorge M. Pacheco and Ana Paiva.

Andreia Sofia Teixeira

PhD Student in Computer Science and Eng. (IST, U. Lisbon).
Advisors: Alexandre P. Francisco and Francisco C. Santos.

Pedro Mendes da Silva

PhD Student in Computer Science and Eng. (IST, U. Lisbon).
Advisors: Francisco C. Santos, Jorge M. Pacheco and Ana Paiva.

António Gois

MSc student and FCT junior research Fellow at ATP and GAIPS/INESC-ID (Lisbon). After completing his studies in Management (NOVA Lisbon) he started a MSc in Computer Science at IST, U. Lisbon. He is interested in cooperation dynamics, environmental governance, machine learning, and jazz, among many other.
Advisors: Francisco C. Santos, Jorge M. Pacheco and Fernando P. Santos.

João Ângelo dos Santos

MSc Student in Computer Engineering (IST, Univ. Lisbon, and GAIPS/INESC-ID) and FCT junior researcher. He is interested on cooperation dynamics and large-scale simulations of reputation-based systems.
Advisors: Francisco C. Santos and Fernando P. Santos

Pedro Calheiros Souto

MSc student and FCT junior researcher. Pedro has completed a BSc in Economics and a Masters in Finance (NOVA School of Business and Economics). He has been teaching Financial Market Trading (also at NOVA), as teaching Assistant. He has also worked as a Market analyst and Junior Trader. Now, he is about to finish his second MSc, this time in Computer Eng. (IST, U. Lisbon). He is interested in the application of population dynamics, artificial intelligence, and network science tecniques to finance.
Advisors: Francisco C. Santos and Fernando P. Santos.

Hugo Braz

MSc Student in computer science (IST, Univ. Lisbon, and GAIPS/INESC-ID). He is interested in learning dynamics in large human populations.
Advisors: Francisco C. Santos and Fernando P. Santos

Carina Antunes

MSc Student in Computer Eng. (IST, U. Lisbon). Advisors: Francisco C. Santos and Fernando P. Santos.

Mateus Cordeiro

MSc Student in Computer Engineering (IST, Univ. Lisbon). Mateus is working on agent-based simulations of collective bargaining problems. Advisors: Francisco C. Santos and Fernando P. Santos.

Thiago Sousa

MSc Student in Computer Eng. (IST, U.Lisbon). Thiago is interested in cooperation dynamics and dynamics of peer-influence. Advisor: Francisco C. Santos.